


Here you can call a car/bus/mini bus/air jet/helicopter for your transfer.
Fill in your details and as soon as a transfer is found you will receive a notification on your mobile phone.

Enter the time and location where the transfer will pick you up as well as the destination.

If you want, you can write details in the comments.

If you order a taxi, you pay directly to the driver and receive your receipt!

For the rest transfer, we will let you know by message.


  • We need your mobile phone or email to contact you.
  • If you have suitcases with you, please specify their number. Also let us know if you need a baby seat, how many and for what ages.
  • We need your flight number so we can track it and in case of delay we can be on time.
  • If we’re picking you up at the airport, you must send us your name.

Transport order form

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Address-House number
Number of persons
Date / Time
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